Saturday, May 31, 2008

we all do it...

letz face it. everyone picks their nose.

the righteous:

the evil:

movie stars:

tv stars:

the arrogant:

the retarded: they do it alot. this one eats it too!

the winners:

the losers:

me mom:

me dad:

& the wallycrawler:
that's not him really, just a look-a-like. dont hurt me wally its just a joke! luv u.


Ice said...

There's something so comforting about picking your nose.

I don't know, it's like shaving, or plucking my eye brows...

It really sucks when you have a booger hangin' outta yer nose!

wallycrawler said...

That guy is creepy look'n!!!

If ya think I look like that dude, your nutz!!!

OK it was funny though. Keep up the good work.

When is the big reveal? When ya gonna expose yourself? Soon we all hope?

Tasty said...

i drive a new vette ice so i get my share of looks on the hiway. its the funniest thing watching young guys drooling over my car and my long dark blowing in the wind of the rag top. they then pull up beside the hot chick in the vete only 2 see her 1 knuckle deep in the left nostell!


wally im so mad at u. give me a break. i havent had a holiday since i moved here. i work every day except mon or sometimes wed. who has time? u want pics cum down here ill pose 4 u! or wait til friday the 13th. i will be in dover. so keep ur pants on. & stay away from miss curious & dee 2!

Tasty said...

fuck, dark hair, fuckit im not changing it!

TK Kerouac said...

Love that thumbnail