remember when hair like this was in style? no?
me neither!
shes cute though. the chick in the back looks like smashed ass! ahhhggg!!!
dont look now sweetheart...ur bags showing!
...but who cares with an ass like that eh?
ohhh gawd!
shes the poster girl for the word "fugly"!
her mouth looks like a 2 wiener entry!
i like her hair & bod, but that face... mula fucking 2 bagger!
who u looking at? oh the judges.
the guy with the wet spot, hes gonna vote 4 u!
the guy with the tent pool?...hes holding out 4 the next gal!
thats a little insider info.
((("pimps & hos , jlo am in da house"!!!)))
"the man in black"... is a flipping creep!!!
can ya be anymore obvious?
ya ur getting sum!
oh ok i get it!
luv ya long time